"They laughed at me at the bus stop in front of The Academy..."

Want to design and produce a high quality video game with absolutely no technical knowledge about how to do it? No problem.

Follow along as one man teaches himself (almost) every aspect of video game design from scratch and eventually produces a playable 3d game demo.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A bit about the way I work...

If you've been reading along, you might notice that I say "I'll do X" and when I post the next update, it turns out I did something a bit different. Sometimes in the previous post it might have seemed like I was very firm in my position, so the change comes as a surprise.

That has a lot to do with the way I've always done creative work. If I come up with a better idea, I'm willing to change something no matter how far along I am, or how thoroughly I've thought something through. Nothing's fixed until the project is done. Not much anyway. For example, with my last book, it was two weeks before the deadline when I threw out everything I had done so far and started over. I made my deadline, and got better reviews than the book I'd done before it, which took a year.

I just thought I should make a formal post on this so that when I inevitably change my mind about something I've seemed sure of previously, no one's surprised. Usually, when I change my mind it's not to make less work for myself at all. I usually end up doing more because I realize that it's what the project needs to be its best.

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